Everything is me

My photo
Well, everyone says that they are only an ordinary person, but for me i always know that i have something .like something extra and that's why i am completely different

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Aidil adha


First of all, "selamat hari raya aidil adha"

Before i start telling you about my aidil adha celebration. aku nak menjelaskan satu perkara yang pretty much penting . well, i do realise that i always use the code-mixing stuff .
What the heck is that ?

Code-mixing macam bahasa melayu dicampurkan dengan bahasa inggeris tanpa sebarang lesen yang sah. hahak =D
ataupun lebih sinonim dengan panggilan "bahasa rojak" . macam rojak buah and rojak mee tuh ..

Itu makanan la anis ..... ohhh *buat2 tak tahu*

Basically, ia salah disisi tatabahasa dan grammar and i know ia akan merosakkan bahasa itu sendiri but who cares ? ramai kot yang guna rojak merojak ni 

and i'm sorry kalau my language ada makes you annoying ke mad ke coz i like to mix language. thats my thing.
but just one la my advise . Never use it in your essay . kalau tak .. ENAM JAHANAM !

Hari raya korban ni cam biasa lah, aktiviti menyembelih lembu, kambing .
i bet ada budak2 akan tanye kenapa kena sembelih ?
well kan ada kisah nabi yang sembelih anak kerana mematuhi perintah ALLAH.
aku pun taknak cerita panjang sebab i know you oulss da tau ceritanya . so back to my celebration :

hari raya pertama , i raya kat my grand-nana's house . as usual lah , pegi rumah orang memang mencekik je keje aku.
after makan , nothing else to do and everyone went to tempat lembu disembelih . i apa lagi photo-photoshoot

oh before that, for this raya takde baju baru =( *sedey* . so aku pakai je la yang mana ada .

Raya kedua, balik my hometown . kitorang luangkan masa with chatering je sebab da lama tak jumpa . cite memang banyak la .

I want to thank to my gojes sister sebab sudi amik gambar . walaupon memang keje ko amik gambar pun kan .

well, obviosly you can see yang tema warna baju kitorang ialah hijau 

Klasik jee ...

Eh ehhhhh ??? haha =D

ituee jew lawr . have a nice week =)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Skincare and makeup tutorial

Assallamualaikum !

This is the first time ever i made an entry for the girls only . who run the world ?
girgirlszz of course .

Firstly , i am not that expert when it comes to skincare routine or makeup things . but i did this is because of i just wanna show you guys how i do things on my face , technically . haha =D

By the way , i'm officially free from the examination . wohooooo !
and i have made a song for this awesome freedom

It's been a really really messed up week
seven days of torture, seven days of bitter
and i have to answer all the freak question
it's really hard , i admit it 
lalala whatever, lalala it doesn't matter

actually the lyrics inspired by hot chelle rae tonight tonight =)

Lets move it :


well everyone care about thier skin , right ?
for me , i pun care jugak but takde la sampai buat facial tiap2 minggu
so i start my day with garnier pure active foam 

i choose this is because i am active and ia menghilangkan 6 tanda penuaan
so jimat la kan, beli satu 6 faedah kita dapat. ahak !

I still a student , jadi my face mostly direct to the sun
dan bila dah direct , apa lagi
sunburn, sunrise, sunquick
semua adaa ..
so to prevent it from getting worse
i use garnier light cream

it has SPF 15 which is great for sunblock 

To be honest, i have lots of scars on my face. yeap not joking
scar from jerawat, scar from incident that i had about 6 months ago
 i siap buat entry kot pasal tuh
jadi untuk mengelakkan ia nampak terlalu obvious
aku guna bio oil

actually my friend yang suggest
and it works . so takde la nampakkkk begitu jelas
who says scar doesn't heal huh ?
let me tell you, scar heal okay but takes time lar
everything takes time kan


i know some teenagers tak suka dirinya di-makeup. and i agree that natural beauty is better than anything.
but you know what, kadang2 kalau kita nak keluar having fun ,takkan dengan muka tak bermaya
so thats the use of makeup. ia membuatkan kita bermaya .
*you know i'm saying*
personally, i pun tak suka makeup tebal2 . pakai bulu mata palsu la, blusher whatsoever la
i like something simple and still look natural

Thats why i use garnier bb cream for moisturizer

For the eyeshadow ,i prefer wearing 2 colours . the dark one and the bright one
but if you kind yang suka taruk one colour pun takpe
its all up to you

lepas eyeshadow, mascara pulak
i pakai maybelline volum express turbo boost mascara 
so that my bulu mata nampak panjanggg

Last but not least , lipstick. i love this lipstick so much

Kalau tak biase guna lipstick, you alls boleh pakai lip gloss ke ape
once again
its all up to you !!

When everything is done, ape lagi posing kuat2 .haha

but please guys not posing like thizz
tak cute ponnn 
and you will look like absolutely moron


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Things that describe ME !


Things that really and really and really describe me best


Harry Potter

Sherlock Holmes

Love music

Kpop hater 

Gambar ni bukan aku yang edit kayyy . jumpa lam google .
tetiba nampak muka mamat korea buat muka hampeh terus amik . hahaha =D
thanks to the editor , yeay kite boley geng !
(this prove that i'm not the only person hates kpop)



Perlu ke amik gambar Birkin's handbag ?
ehh of course !!
nasib baik aku tak beli jer . mahal supo bedey
bahahhahar =B

ehem *cough*
ahak =)

Thanks all . peace and love ^-^

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Anis take Langkawi


Oh well ! okay straight to the point . lama lah lama sangat tak bukak blog sesawang ni . debu da ada la dalam 7 inci dah . (lama tak terkata)  ahak =) ok over !

And i have done my f***ing kerja kursus akaun . upss ! the F word da keluar dah ..
Menyampah makan sampah betol buat akaun ni  .benda da la susah , cikgu pulak ghaib kemana tah . tak bagi tunjuk ajar langsung .
akhirnyaa .. aku jugak la kena ikhtiar sendirik . uhuk =(  inilah yang dikatakan pengorbanan seorang pelajar . ahak , ok over lagi !

My friends and i macam2 hal dah kitorang tempuh . ada yang sakit otak, sakit hati, sakit jiwa and segala jenis sakit lah.
ada jugak yang sampai demam buat benda ni . nangis jangan cakap la . memang belambak . tak betul sikit dah nangis .
ye la macam mana tak nangis kalau 2,3 kali buat tak penah betol . stress kot ~
Yang jadi gila pun ada .but not completely gila . ala macam kadang2 suka, kadang2 sedih . you know i'm saying. kalau in kelantan we call it "tok betol stereng" or "putuh woyar" .

hahhahahhahhahhahaha =D

but at the end , aku dapat siapkan jugak . thanks to my beloved cousin walaupon ko teman aku sampai lejar je . kalau tak kerana ko , aku rasa aku still terpinga-pinga . acehhh ~

Ok now back to the topic :

Baru2 ni, i went to take the langkawi island . perasaan aku ..... well


Wanna know why ??
because aku pergi vacation ni dengan rombongan sekolah ayah aku . i pulak jenis tak suka pergi dengan rombongan ni sebab crowded and susah nak interaksi ngan ramai orang ni.
Besides, sekolah ayah aku ni macam ... erkk @#%^^&  (hard to explain actually)

I just want to be me
Is that much to ask ??

Now start story telling :
Dalam perjalanan aku nak sampai ke jeti tu , singgah kejap kat up up hill ... dataran titiwangsa
sejuk okay .. scene dia as always . STUNNING !!

We stayed at Eagle Bay Hotel .

So as i was saying that i went to langkawi with rombongan sekolah . exactly la vacation ni like lawatan sambil belajar . haha what do you expect ??
pergi dengan rombongan , mestilah ada selit2 sikit pasal pelajaran . huh~ (sigh)

Kitorang pon masuk la tempat lagenda mahsuri .
haiyaa ! you don't know mahsuri ??
ala the woman yang bila nak mati keluar darah putih tu la

ahh sulah ingat already kaa ??

My parents tak masuk tempat pameran dia . just me and my sister je masuk . and dikesempatan ini aku nak mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada AINA MARDHIAH sebab tolong amik gambar aku .

nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang fotografer ini .klik dibawah

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Kuat ke aku promo ? (buat pun sebab kena paksa) ='( uhuk

Masuk2 je kitorang disambut dengan perarakan musik traditional =)
Then kitorang pun apa lagi lawat la sekitar kampung mahsuri tuh

Guess who with me ??
P.Ramlee tuuuh

Who sits best ??
Jeng jeng jeng ...

This is telaga mahsuri . air dia sejuk ngat2  . orang kata air dia berkhasiat sebab air telaga ni daripada mata air . i was trying to ambik air from the telaga

Then kitorang pergi under water world !! tempat ni best giler sebab dapat tengok haiwan yang usually kitorang tengok kat discovery channel tu tiba2 ada kat depan mata .
so sapa2 yang rancang nak pergi langkawi , kena singgah masuk tempat ni

okay muka tak leh caya dapat masuk tempat ni . wahhh excited !!

Now muka excited tak ley caya dapat masuk lagi . tapi ni siblings version . okay aina curi pose aku .
awesome sangat kan pose aku . ahak =D

Kat situ ada baby shark . fuyoo ! ko ada ?

Kitorang dapat tengok penguin secara live . memang sporting habis penguin ni .
~ i like to move it , move it . we like to move it ~ madagascar bebeh

Pameran sea shells ~

And again , kitorang pergi tempat kereta kebel langkawi . actually aku nak sangat naik tp macam aku cakap tadi, kitorang pergi ngan rombongan . semua benda kena on time .
so instead of wasting time kena beratur , baik aku photoshoot jee .maybe next time aku akan naik .
Blame it on rombongan !!

Kat sini pulak ada tempat ala2 jepun gitu . so kitorang apa lagi posing with WASABI style .
ahaakkkk !

Ni kedai makan jepun . aku tak masuk pon . tumpang posing jer . haha =D okay bajet muka korea .
korea ke jepun ??
whatsoeverrr !!

Mainan pon bolehhh ~

Langkawi also famous with chocolates . scream chocolate fans !!
memang banyak and murah pulak tuh . i'm one of chocolate's fan . for me langkawi is like heaven of chocolates . its soooo like charlie and the chocolates factory kindda world

The only thing that i love about langkawi is their food ... =B
langkawi kan macam belah utara sikit kan . so macam jiran penang jugak lah
cek bila sebut makanan utara ni memang laju, dia punya char kuey teow mai nak habak hang 
fuhhhhh ~ torbaekk wokk

Thanks a lot google =)

Day three muka dah letih =/

As we all know , kalau kat paris orang namakan the city of love . but its different in langkawi .
Langkawi we name it the city of eagle coz there is a gigantic eagle there .
and yang menghairankan the eagle always open its wings but it never fly

Hurmmm i wonder why ? haha =P