Everything is me

My photo
Well, everyone says that they are only an ordinary person, but for me i always know that i have something .like something extra and that's why i am completely different

Sunday, February 26, 2012

joe brooks is coming to town

 yoooow bloggers2 smua ! wa tulis ini enty sb wa nk bgtau psl joe brooks maa ! knl x spe yg wa mksudkn ni ?? lau lu org xknl meh wa tnjuk sket :

                                                                          TADAAA !

ha ni la dia joe ... wa knl sma ini org lam utube maa ! dgr lgu2 dia un ley thn woo .dia trkenl ngn lgu superman , holes inside n sbgainyee .dgr2 khabr dia nk dtg MALAYSIA ~ yup i mean malaysia , ngara yg tgh kte dduk ni . joe brooks is coming to town . bkn santa claus yee . haha :D . wa mula2 tau dr twitter maa . agk trkejut jga , tp x heran la sb rmai jgk yg knl sma dia ni .. jd wa cyaa la

Will be landing in KL at around 6 this eve... !

konsert dia akn brmula pd 3 mac 2012 . hadooi sbnrnya wa nk pegi tp jaoh n time tu wa ngh exam . yeah wa kn msih study jd kna korbnkn laa . da la wt time wa pnyaa birthday .. sengal dowh ! ini dia ticketnyaa n albumnya yg da ad dpsrn , lau lu org nk tgk :

jd itu sjalh yg wa nk cte sma lu org . pendek je entry kli ni . tp xpa la pndek un still AWESOME maa !!

* ok ckp mcm cina sket = inspired by cina jual surt khabr lma pnye psl . ahak =) peace

Thursday, February 23, 2012

essay #1

My Life As A Teenager

        Being a teenager is fun but hard at the same time . when i was a little kid , i did not care about what was going on and i had no responsibility at all . in my head , i only want to have fun and play around with friends and also being a kid who you like to follow adult's behaviour . but now , i have grown up and its kind a weird for me to mix up with these teenager stuffs . the life of teenagers are more pressure and more challenging than i thought .but on the other hand , it is a way more fun and free from parents' attention . i bet some parents will give anything that we want it so badly . so it is not a big deal when it comes to ask for something . it just a teenage dream .
        When you become a teenager , you will feel everything at once . this is obviosly refering to the feelings . sometimes we will feel happy , sad , awkward , angry , confuse and so many more . furthermore , when we have the first mestruation period . so definitely we will feel strange at that moment . usually , when we feel happy , we will do several exciting activities such as hanging out with freind . most teenagers love to hangout with their close friend . for example shopping at the mall , hanging out at cyber cafe or even take a walk at the ordinary park . then , teenagers will be staying up late at night . of course when we were in kindergarten , we could not stay late at night or our parents will be mad at us . you do not want to stay late at night without doing something crazy , do you ? at midnight , we can watch movies , updating social networks and other things that make you happy .

         Otherwise , being a teenager also makes you feel sad . this is because of  maybe you are upset with your friend's attitude or your friends are angry at you . this will cause misunderstanding among teenagers . sometimes it is just because of small matter , but they makes it as it is serious .this misunderstanding may related to parents . for example , those teenagers want to have some space on their on but their parents keep bossy around with thier personal life . definetely they will feel sad and angry at the same time .speaking of angry , if you are hating someone and you really mean it . furthermore, awkward feeling comes wherever you feel such as you feel uncomfortable with new school , new surrounding and new friends or when it is your first day at high school . as i was saying that you will feel strange when you had the first menstruation cycle .

         Besides , there were much more presure and problems that teenagers wont expect it happen . when it is time for having an exam , your perents usually will push you to get good grades . they will sent you to a class tuition centers and filling your leisure times with extra exercises . they also will count on you to get a good grades . at one moment , you will feel unfree to do what you want and tired to fulfil their expectation . then pressure and problems came and you feel that you better die than you have to fulfil everyone's hope at once . this what we call pressure empowering teenager's life . in another case , teenager will get sick with these pressure and maybe they will runaway from home and make stupid things like killing themselves . moreover , teens are totally jealous with other people's achivement . for example a girl who feel that she is not good enough and feels invisible when her friends much better than her in every ways . sometimes being a perfective can be boring and actually your vulnerability makes you special . well , leopard can't change his spots . do not let your real personality diminishing day by day . we should support our friends and be a good friends no matter what .

         Finally , life as a teenagers miy have some conflicts and issues with friends and family . it takes a while to overcome the problem but it is just all about begining of life . think positively when you want to take some actions in your life . it will cause your future generation . remember , every cloud has a silver lining .

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


hola ~ im dora , we need ur help . ahak ! huhu trbwk2 character dora the explora lak . aq tulis blog ni un sbkn czen aq suh tulis sal BIENISYANA . korg msti trtnya2 pa bnda bienisyana ni , ini gabungn nma my best czen iaitu bie , myself , yaya , aina . 0oooooo ! hah da phm ~ so aq cite la lbh kurg je 4 korg . tp sblm tu korg rse x yg aq ni kuat tulis blog sejk 2mnjk ni , mmg la sb aq bosan bukk FB n TWEET . lgpn lau aq bkak this kind of stuff , its more to kearh org len . i mean cam lau kte nk LIKE un mestila like status org len an . so its more to ORG LEN . u know im saying . so lau aq tulis blog exactly la byk aq tulis psl aq . so its sort of MYSPACE . actually aq mmg ske gler tulis blog ( buat mse skang ) tp sbnr2 benr , benr dan benrnye aq ske VL0GGING / VLOGGER . adooi byk lak benr aq ni . vlogging ni cm blogging gk tp blog more to writing , lau vlog more to video . k da phm smua ! ( hihi bjet cikgu maktab ) :P yup im freaking love making videos but yeah i have no webcam or handycam , so trpkse buat video gna dslr . uwaaa ! insyaallah lau alaun byk sket ley la try bli canon legria . uhuk

k back to the top , aq ngn czen2 aq ni time kcik ske sgt main brsma2 gtu lorh ( indon sket if u dont mind ) so kami un wt decision tuk wat nma group , kbetulan time tu tgh kemaruk ngn "geng bas skolh" so kmi nmakn kumpln kami GBS . haah hilarious kn tp time tu xtau pa lg , so pkai hntm je la. tp lma kelamaan da bsor so nk nmpk nma group uh high sket trhasilah bienisyana .

so first up , bie have same age , same pandagn , same passion in fashion with me . hee :D byk nye prsmaan , ye la nma lg sma um0 . pa la korg ni ! org nye baek , slalu tlg aq time aq xda duit . hahak :D caring , available , n mcm2 lg lh . lau ktorg hangout un dia xda la byk ckp sgt coz fon asyik duk kt tgn je . haha .

ok runner up is me , nis is a short form for anis . im the craziness and also byk ckp when its comes for my turn to talk . tp i still in control k . yeah i think korg da tau byk tntg aq , so no more introducing bout me .

now yaya turn , dia ni sma umo ngn adek aq , so ape2 pn msti trlekat ngn adek aq . dia ni ble msok mall je msti skurg2nye RM100 kna ad dlm tgn , shes love shopping but yg wt aq curius nye , dia shopping brg yg dia da ad . in the other hand , agk MEMBAZIR yee ! XD

last but not least my unexpected sister , aina . dia ni kdg2 ok kdg2 bley jd bangang gk ble ckp ngn dia ni . lau ktorg g mne2 ke dia la akn jd ketua among us , ye lh sbnye everbody tkot including myself ble nk tnye people lau sesat jln ke ap . lgpn shes the only one yg ad dslr n tau cmna nk amik gambr dgn baek , so mcm biase dia jge brguna in the same time wlupn rse mcm nk hempuk gk kpale dia uh . heheh =)

#p/s : FYI aq da deactive my fb acc buat smntra wktu . this is because of my school n the craping mission . but this is only temporary , i ll be back soon . sori lh gmba taon ble lg ni , mls nk edit gmba latest , hope u enjoy . nothing more to say , then Assalamualaikum ..

Friday, February 10, 2012

there's something bout love

hye world ! assalamualikum ..

so this week i can feel that lots of love are going around the world . yeah it is the VALENTINE'S DAY . as a muslim , i cant celebrate this event but i just wanna describe my love for all of u guys ! exactly i love u guys so damn much cuz without korg i will never write this blog . n with ur support i will continue writing as long as i can . so what loves all about ? it actually a feeling yg smua org akn rse . love makes u feel so good n it will be so hurt if ur love xdbls . sbenrnye love xsmestinya refer to couple , bleh jd love for ur family , friends , or even for ur pets . no matter what , love deserved to each one who lives in this planet ! lau korg prasn title 4 this new post cam familiar kn , yeahhh ! aq copy from STAR WORLD la . huhu :D

ble kte sbut psl  L.0.V.E  mstilh byk lgu yg mention bout this . this is some of the songs yg aq ske !

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
Giving me
Love, Love, Love
More than I ever need

Love, you're so distracting
Am I overreacting, For feeling this way
And ever, since I met ya, I can't keep my attention
And you are to blame

Your love's a permanent distraction, a perfect interaction
a feeling so extreme
I lost my appetite to eat, and I barely get to sleep
Cause you're even in my dreams
And I thought that I was strong but I knew that all along,
this was out of my control
So I fell into your hands, and i don't know where we'll land,
I'm just going with the flow

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love

Somedays, I want to run away
This feels so perfect, it's breaking my heart
Yeah we could, we could stay here happy
Or after summer, be two worlds apart

Your love's a permanent distraction, a perfect interaction
a feeling so extreme
I lost my appetite to eat, and I barely get to sleep
Cause you're even in my dreams
And I thought that I was strong but I knew that all along
his was out of my control
So I fell into your hands, and i don't know where we'll land
I'm just going with the flow

Giving me, Love Love Love, Love Love
More than i ever need
Giving me Love Love Love

Your Love, is bigger than a rain cloud
It covered up my whole skies
It's filling up my heart,
My heart with
Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
More than I ever need
giving me
Love, Love, Love

Your love's a permanent distraction, a perfect interaction
a feeling so extreme
I lost my appetite to eat, and I barely get to sleep
Cause you're even in my dreams
And I thought that I was strong but I knew that all along,
this was out of my control
So I fell into your hands, and i don't know where we'll land,
I'm just going with the flow

Giving me
Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
More than I ever need

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you.
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love.
Look my eyes are dry.
The gift was ours to borrow.
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget what I did for love,
What I did for love.

Love is never gone.
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for
What I did for
What I did for...
Love Love is never gone.

As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for
What I did for
What I did for...

Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
kau membuat diriku
akan slalu memujamu

Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna.. Sempurna..
Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

hihi . so sronok x dgr lgu ni smua . ad lirik siap ngn video skali . class x ?? haha . aq cuma nk korg enjoy nyanyi smbil2 tgk video ni . so akhir kata SPREAD UR LOVES ALL OVER THE WORLD  NOW . k bye :P

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

nothing to say

hey dear ! Assalamualaikum .. for a few weeks ago aq asyik tulis psal something yg serius je , so mybe this post will be more relax n chill .spertimna yg dmklum title for this new post is " nothing to say " yup aq mmg xda pa yg nk dckpkn ., but i have to write something in my blog . aq x ley nmpk K0S0NG je . i have to fill something . hurm ! mybe psl gadget ?? fashion ?? top news ?? ., ntah lorh ~ haah skang i feel enoying . xtau nk tulis ap . jd aq pkai hentm je la . hope korg enjoy wlupon objektif yg sbenor xsmpai . haha :D

uwaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! help me with this confusing title ! oh shit aq still xley figure out something interesting 4 u guys                                       

....,,,,,,, FRUSTRATINGNYEEE ,,,,,,.....

k i got this , i gonna tell u about MUSIC . i love listening to music (pop , balada , n whtever yg xmnyerabutkn kpale hotak aq ) . music nice sbenrnye tp music mlayu kbyakknnye lirik tah pape , musik mcm haprk . so aq mmg 100% dgr lgu org putuih (loghat utara) . lau tnye aq lgu mlayu sket2 ley la aq jwb tp byk2 aq akn mle confuse n otak aq akn jam (absolutly cam traffic jam) kah3

thn ni agk mncbr sb aq kna hafal byk prkra , aq rse otak aq da penoh memory tp ble ckgu aq ckp ALBERT ENSTEIN , knl x ?? pd yg xknl dia ni la org plg pndai ble msok bab subjek sains >> ckgu aq ckp spndai2 dia ni un .. dia br mnggunakn 13% je drpd otak dia . im like u got to be kidding me  ~serius~  (buat mke xcya) . mksodnya mybe aq br gnakn 0.000000001% . ahak ! 

       rse2nyeew , aq nk brhnti smpai sni je la . da xtau nk tulis pa ni , aq post ni un sb yg sme aq tulis kt ats iaitu
moral of da story : study hard n smart insyaalah u will be just like albert enstein 
#tyverymuch (muahh :* auwww gediksnye aq )

Saturday, February 4, 2012


yaw , yeah bebehs ! i mean ASSALAMUALIAKUM slm sjhtera for those muslims .
ari ini aq nk tulis psl inspiration sb rmai member aq tnye "ko inspired by spe ek ? " so my answer is byk sbenrnya yg bg aq inspirasi .sblom aq mlekn , i would like to say something to my best czen in da planet "bie nazifah" congrat with ur blog . mmg trhbur gler aq bce . ahak, ahak ,ahak ! anyway i hate those jerawats on my forehead . haha . but usual la kn aq an da mkin matured skang . keh3 (matured la sgt but still lyn spongebob lg )

k back to the story ,first people yg da bg inspirasi pd aq is of course
my prophet MUHAMMAD SAW . he is the most nice man . so byk moral valeus yg ley kte contohi . furthermore , ddlm hadith juga ad mnyebut : "Sesungguhnya aku diutuskan hanya semata-mata untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia." then , yuna is the one not the one that got away , tu lgu katy perry la . hurm yuna mmg artis plg aq ske lam mlaysia la kot . dia ad style yg unik , lgu dia un ley thn gler bez . yuna ni cm trend la 4 teens yg br nk mnigkt naik ni .tp ad org ckp dia pkai tudg tp pkain ketat nk mmpos . mmg la nmpk ketat sket , but i sure yuna akn brubh if her fans sering bg nsiht . so lets be a supportive fan . 0k . but surely aq mmg xske minh br naik dsbkn cinta muka buku n utube . i bet u know who i was talking about . its NAJWA LATIF . i tgk dia la kn cm copy yuna pnye style je . pd pndagn aq la . but its okey if u nk sokong dia un . support artis malaysia ! ahak ~

ni sket pic yg aq edit . yeah i admit nmpk trok sket but whos cares ! motif aq juz want to say that yuna is better than najwa .,.ps2 GLEE da byk sgt bg inspirasi , idea 4 me tuk upgrade lam my social life . ad org ckp , glee ni mcm meraikn "gay" but sbenrnya bkn mraikn , mesej diorg ialh we should except people no matter what they looks like n the differentness makes u special . sb uh la aq skee gler ngn cite ni . wlupon mmg ad scene 4 adult but still dia bg impk yg elok . then lam high school ad yg kna buli la , awkward with surrounding la , feel invisible la but they find the way to express themselve through music . dia mcm dont worry if u scared , not good enough , theres a lot of people yg sme nsib ngn u . if u rse u da good enough n prefect sgt actually org cm u ni jiwa kosong n ur life will be totally boring ~ cm aq lak , rmai gler org xpuas ati ngn aq . aq un xtau ap slh aq sbnrnya , but theres always ad people yg cbe treat n makes me looks like an idiot . it tough sbenrnya tp im juz sabar n go with the flo je la .  

ok so ckup da kish sedih aq . da2 la nangis nyee ! i will be alright if u guys still with me . ahakk .,.then mestila my BFF un trut bg inspirasi an . BFF not best friend forever it is boy friend forever , not trully BF juz angan2 but org ckp stiap impian uh dtg dr angn2 . so xslh lau aq nk bragn an . my first bf is RANDY PANGALILA . yup mamat indon ni la jd pujaan hatiku . ntah pa yg aq ske kt dia ni mybe dia nsem n bdan dia cntek ot .kah3 then dia ni serba boleh , ley nyanyi , model , blakon ,dance . awesome sgt !

  nsem an , glerr xnsem ~ lps2 my second bf is CAMERON MITCHELL . dia from glee project , spe yg lyn mmg tau la . dia ni UNIC . he's nsem , cute , extreamlly telented , nerdy sket ,voice dia lau dgr cair w00 ! skee sgt but his style cm artist ni , joe brooks . but i think still dia lg better la

skang ni aq ngh gler kn korea / japan pnye style . actually aq mmg xske kp0p ni , but diorg pnye style not bad gk la . so im on with it . FYI aq mmg ske msk so aq slalu la tgk masterchef / junior masterchef , diorg so good in cooking jd aq amik la tips2 n recipes lau incase aq nk try msk .

i think thats all , ckup la dlu ! babai "." ahak