Everything is me

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Well, everyone says that they are only an ordinary person, but for me i always know that i have something .like something extra and that's why i am completely different

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hellowww ladies , guys , sister , brother , mama , papa . whatever ~ 
 or the proper one is HELLO EVERYONE

I know, lately i dah jarang blogging . yeah well , what do you expect . i'm still a STUDENT yaw. i also need to focus in my studies and stuff . so yup, you know i'm saying, right . if ada masa terluang sikit baru aku boleh update. =B

So actually this is a quick updates sebab i just did this about two hour ago . MAJU KOT ! hihi. well since my father is a physics teacher , so today he brought back "some thing" that pretty much different from "any thing" that we usually seen .


This is sort of GAME and PLAYING things but my dad is cikgu fizik so mesti ada kena mengena dengan sains kan . we call it EXPERIMENTAL ! ( baru motip) i dont know la where on earth my dad got this sebab when i looked at the plastic ,it's made from USA . herm CONFUSING ~

So ,my job is to take all the experimental scene coz i know my siblings more terrer and exciting about this science stuff than me. so let them do what they love to . although i have a big trouble with tetapkan ISO and speed tapi i redahh ajaaa lahh !

We do three different experiment :
First is a ROCKET KITS experiment

okay, we filled the bottle with some water and tutup botol tuh dengan tube yang dah provided . don't let any air masuk dalam botol tuh then ....

Sambungkan tube tadi dengan pum tayar , then press the pum quickly and the bottle will launch automatically . sebijik macam roket. this experiment macam nak test air pressure macam tuh la . haha

Second is SQUIDY experiment

Filled the bottle with water ,don't let any air space in that bottle , then put the squid (wannabe) inside it, inside the squid put the dropper (something that scientist usually used) . when you tak push the bottle it will be float but ....

if you push it, the squid will be sink. IT'S LIKE MAGIC . hahak . this experiment much more like wanna test the air pressure also . muahahahhaha =D

Third is WATERSPOUT experiment

Well this is easy one, just combine two bottles and put something in the middle supaya tak keluar air . whatever la .sellotape ke , tak kesah la . asal air tak keluar . then goncangggggg . maka keluarlah puting beliung . hehee

We love doing this stuff sebab we can also PLAY and also LEARN . macam backyard science kan (bajettt) . biasaa la we wanna be like THE BAUDELAIRE ~ ALWAYS INVENTIVE~ 

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