Everything is me

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Well, everyone says that they are only an ordinary person, but for me i always know that i have something .like something extra and that's why i am completely different

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

it feels so sh*t

hai , hye , hey you . haah you la . meh baca apa yang nak saya tulis ni . start from now saya akan tulis blog dengan huruf-huruf yang lengkap . ini bermakna tiada lagi "x, sy, aq, ap ,ad, yg" dan sebagainya . bukan apa saya just takut korang tak faham ape benda la yang saya membebel ni .

back to the real topic, its been a long time i havent writing blog . yeah i know .even i really suprise when nak tulis this entry coz blog change a lot .then,i got a lots of work to do not just updating my social stuff je .lagipun kalau saya tulis banyak-banyak, korang akan rasa macam "eh dia ni banyak nye tulis , macam la ada orang nak baca sangat" .RIGHT ?? haha =D

okay ,seem that i tak mention lagi pasal topic ni , mai nak bagaitau . actually, i got a new phone . NOKIA C3 . its blue back in colour . so awesome sebab ada WIFI ,bluetooth and more application . maybe korang dah start fikir "alamak dia ni nak bagitau hal phone dia la ni" but actually bukan 100% pasal phone , ye la kalau tak how come the title "it feels so sh*t". haha =)

so basically, its so amazing phone . yeah i knew it , you guys love it kan . haha *sila muntah* but although its very unic ada jugak kelemahannye , ok now aku nak start cite the whole sh*t story . when i get the phone ,so mesti adalah kredit about RM12 . but unfortunately , aku gatal tangan nak online "something" with WIFI . aku pun connect je lah , mula-mula okay lagi but then connection failed and its starts burning my money away . from RM12 i just dapat baki sikit je *sorry cant tell the truth* . why ? why you are so mean ? but actually its all my fault sebab aku yang terhegeh-hegeh nak online guna WIFI kan . ='( pretty much sedih sebab sekarang i about to pokai , so how on earth lagi aku nak cari duit *desperate* . hurm so when i start to angry about this i just keluarkan kata-kata kesat like sh*t but seriously guys dont try it at home . haha =D *gelak-gelak*

the moral is dont overexcited on something coz it truns BAD . like my story .  and i apologize to my freinds, cousins , random people kalau i tak balas mesej korang .bukan bermakna aku sombong but im lack of prepaid right now. huuu =(

Peace and just stay in touch !

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